Monday, August 17, 2009

Hanging in there

So, Brenda and I decided to 'extend' our challenge out to Christmas. Even though our last weigh in I was down 4 pounds (after 2 weeks), but I haven't lost nearly anything close to what I want to.

It's also been hard to make it to the gym with 3 kids (who can not stay home alone) to go to the gym. And the gym I go to isn't the best place for my kids to hang out with.

But this week I do have 2 of them in soccer camp, so I'm hoping to see the gym at least 3 times. I have just been so un-motivated since my back has been killing me for over a week. But then again, maybe it's because I haven't been to the gym in over a week. um....

I just need to find the right balance with my eating and working out. I can never seem to get them both on track at the same time. For two weeks I worked out 5 days a week but eat like crap. Last week I didn't make it to the gym once and eat really well. What's that all about?!