Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Where's the food?

Ok, so Brenda and I had our weigh in yesterday.... me - down 3 pounds! Brenda - down a pound!
I felt good about the 3 pounds, and I did do a little jig when she left. But I did look at the numbers again, and she's still beating me overall by 3 pounds. Damn her! ;-)

And though I have been doing really well on my food, I also feel in a rut. (Which is NOT good for me because it means I'll start eating anything and everything) So I went threw my new favorite magazine, Oxygen (Thanks for getting me hooked Danielle) and found some recipes I would try out.

I have found the best salad recipe ever!! Like Brenda, I've been trying to eat more salads at lunch... but I get bored quick, but I found a salad I could probably eat everyday the rest of my life! (Can you tell I really like it!!)

So, I thought I'd share:
1 head butter lettuce, torn in pieces
1 avocado, cut into large chunks
3 scallions, sliced
1/2 English cucumber, halved and sliced
1 mango, cut into large chunks
1 can (12.5 oz) chicken breast, drained
2 tbsp roasted flax seeds

2 large cloves garlic, crushed
1/4 cup flax seed oil
1/4 cup lemon juice
2 tbsp white wine vinegar

Put all the salad ingredients in a bowl. Combine the dressing ingredients and whisk together; pour over salad.

(Makes 4 servings; 304 calories per serving, Protein 14g, Fiber 5g)

Yum, Yum!! Let me know if you try and what you think.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Going anywhere?

Is what I ask myself when I'm eating or working out. Am I going anywhere?...physically, mentally...

I've been trying really hard to stick to my 'clean-eating', and have had NO sweets for almost 3 weeks.... now if I could say the same for those darn chips! (Whoever invented them are EVIL!!) And with the end of the summer being a little hectic (to say the least) I haven't worked out in those 3 weeks. And though the scale hasn't moved up, it hasn't moved down either.

I was very excited that school started this week. Not only do I get a short break (3 hours) from the kids, it's amazing how much I can get done. The gym, grocery shopping, a coffee break with a friend, shop for that new bra I've needed for months, go to the bank, library, (and actually go to the adult section), or just sit and listen to... nothing.

I've also been planning my workouts and meals. It's been going great this week, and when I stepped on that scale this morning.... I bought a new scale last week that seems to weigh me (and Brenda) about 5 pounds more than the old one.... I've already lost 4 pounds from Monday! Now, if I can keep that off this weekends. The weekends kill me! Maybe we should change that weigh in to Fridays. ;-)

So, am I going anywhere?? Hopefully to that new store to buy that dress in a smaller size that I'm in now, or back to the gym because it feels good to sweat, or to Hawaii where I can strut that new bikini...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hanging in there

So, Brenda and I decided to 'extend' our challenge out to Christmas. Even though our last weigh in I was down 4 pounds (after 2 weeks), but I haven't lost nearly anything close to what I want to.

It's also been hard to make it to the gym with 3 kids (who can not stay home alone) to go to the gym. And the gym I go to isn't the best place for my kids to hang out with.

But this week I do have 2 of them in soccer camp, so I'm hoping to see the gym at least 3 times. I have just been so un-motivated since my back has been killing me for over a week. But then again, maybe it's because I haven't been to the gym in over a week. um....

I just need to find the right balance with my eating and working out. I can never seem to get them both on track at the same time. For two weeks I worked out 5 days a week but eat like crap. Last week I didn't make it to the gym once and eat really well. What's that all about?!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Brenda: Note to Self

Ok, I learned a lesson yesterday, don't go jogging the day after leg lifts. I ran on Thursday then did leg lifts after. Friday when I woke up, my legs didn't feel sore at all so I thought I would do a jog for my cardio. Big mistake. My legs ran out of steam after 7 minutes. The rest of the run was start/stop. I was breathing pretty hard, but I was disappointed that I had to stop so much. So from now on, no more jogging the day after leg lifts, I'll stick with the elliptical.
Now it is Saturday morning. I got a perfect 10 hours of sleep last night. I did 25 minutes on the elliptical then did chest and back lifts. Ended the workout with bicycle ab work. I'm also excited because my pajama bottoms are not as tight as they used to be!
Now it's off to pick up my adorable 2 year old niece. She is going to spend the night with us tonight. The goal for tonight is NOT to eat her snacks, but some times those little goldfish are SO darn good!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Feeling better

Mentally that is...
After being upset with myself on Monday's weigh in, I sucked it up and went to the gym.
I've been every day since. Been "extra" good on my eating, not just during the day, but in the evening with dinner too. I'm glad I found some very healthy and delicious meals for the whole family. (We've had shrimp kabobs one night, and grill salmon another)

I peeked at the scale today, made me feel SOOOO much better to see a 4 pound drop since Monday! WooHoo!! (Now if I can keep that up for another week)

Treating Brenda to dinner tonight since she did win our weigh in. I'm reminding myself... 'healthy choices, healthy choices..."

Brenda: Dinner Tonight

Monica is buying me dinner tonight! I can't wait!
I went running today. I made it 24:18 without stopping. I HAD to stop on the last hill. I just didn't have it in me to get up it. It felt great and I was very proud of myself because I wanted to stop so bad in the middle of the run. I came home and did some leg lifts. We will see if I am able to get up in the morning.
I've been so good with my eating. My sugar cravings are way down. I was thinking about it today that I really haven't had those "3pm give me a cookie or die" feelings. Maybe by October I will fit back into my skinny jeans. Oh, I can only dream.....

Monday, July 20, 2009

Brenda: I FINALLY won!

Finally, I won! Thank goodness! Down 3 pounds to 178. I think this is the boost I needed. I also think that eating salads for lunch was the trick. So, this week is the same goals: 1. Work out everyday (no more 5am stuff for me) 2. Eat salads for lunch 3. Drink water, no more energy drinks.
I ran today for 30 minutes. I wanted to get a chest workout in, but that didn't happen, so I will have to do it tomorrow. I will try to run again tomorrow AND the lawn needs mowed so that is going to be really two workouts for me :) Now, if I can just stay away from the chocolates tonight....