Thursday, July 23, 2009

Brenda: Dinner Tonight

Monica is buying me dinner tonight! I can't wait!
I went running today. I made it 24:18 without stopping. I HAD to stop on the last hill. I just didn't have it in me to get up it. It felt great and I was very proud of myself because I wanted to stop so bad in the middle of the run. I came home and did some leg lifts. We will see if I am able to get up in the morning.
I've been so good with my eating. My sugar cravings are way down. I was thinking about it today that I really haven't had those "3pm give me a cookie or die" feelings. Maybe by October I will fit back into my skinny jeans. Oh, I can only dream.....

1 comment:

  1. You and me both... only have one pair that fits right now! Got to get this off before winter when we have to be in pants again. AGH!
