Saturday, July 25, 2009

Brenda: Note to Self

Ok, I learned a lesson yesterday, don't go jogging the day after leg lifts. I ran on Thursday then did leg lifts after. Friday when I woke up, my legs didn't feel sore at all so I thought I would do a jog for my cardio. Big mistake. My legs ran out of steam after 7 minutes. The rest of the run was start/stop. I was breathing pretty hard, but I was disappointed that I had to stop so much. So from now on, no more jogging the day after leg lifts, I'll stick with the elliptical.
Now it is Saturday morning. I got a perfect 10 hours of sleep last night. I did 25 minutes on the elliptical then did chest and back lifts. Ended the workout with bicycle ab work. I'm also excited because my pajama bottoms are not as tight as they used to be!
Now it's off to pick up my adorable 2 year old niece. She is going to spend the night with us tonight. The goal for tonight is NOT to eat her snacks, but some times those little goldfish are SO darn good!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Feeling better

Mentally that is...
After being upset with myself on Monday's weigh in, I sucked it up and went to the gym.
I've been every day since. Been "extra" good on my eating, not just during the day, but in the evening with dinner too. I'm glad I found some very healthy and delicious meals for the whole family. (We've had shrimp kabobs one night, and grill salmon another)

I peeked at the scale today, made me feel SOOOO much better to see a 4 pound drop since Monday! WooHoo!! (Now if I can keep that up for another week)

Treating Brenda to dinner tonight since she did win our weigh in. I'm reminding myself... 'healthy choices, healthy choices..."

Brenda: Dinner Tonight

Monica is buying me dinner tonight! I can't wait!
I went running today. I made it 24:18 without stopping. I HAD to stop on the last hill. I just didn't have it in me to get up it. It felt great and I was very proud of myself because I wanted to stop so bad in the middle of the run. I came home and did some leg lifts. We will see if I am able to get up in the morning.
I've been so good with my eating. My sugar cravings are way down. I was thinking about it today that I really haven't had those "3pm give me a cookie or die" feelings. Maybe by October I will fit back into my skinny jeans. Oh, I can only dream.....

Monday, July 20, 2009

Brenda: I FINALLY won!

Finally, I won! Thank goodness! Down 3 pounds to 178. I think this is the boost I needed. I also think that eating salads for lunch was the trick. So, this week is the same goals: 1. Work out everyday (no more 5am stuff for me) 2. Eat salads for lunch 3. Drink water, no more energy drinks.
I ran today for 30 minutes. I wanted to get a chest workout in, but that didn't happen, so I will have to do it tomorrow. I will try to run again tomorrow AND the lawn needs mowed so that is going to be really two workouts for me :) Now, if I can just stay away from the chocolates tonight....


At least I am.... (I'm sure Brenda is on cloud nine)

We had our 4th weigh in today, and I'm pretty much back to where we started. I'm so disappointed with myself. (and kind of shocked) I felt I was eating pretty well and even had a great workout week. So what happen?!

We only have 3 more weigh in's (6 weeks) and it's so hard to stay motivated when you have a good week and you don't see the scale move. BUT I'm trying....

My kids have another week of VBA, so I'm taking my free time to go workout. I've changed up my routine a little, so I'm hoping to see a better drop next time.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Ok, I'm here... hopefully I can figure this 'blogging" thing out.

Yep, I'm challenging Brenda. I needed a partner who would motive me to get my butt moving. And since we have started we've seem to be neck in neck.

I too set personal goals for myself.
-Workout at least 4-5 days a week. (No 5 am wake up for me! But then again, it might come in handy when the kids don't have VBS anymore, I hate dragging them to the daycare at the gym)

-Eat breakfast. This has always been a bad habit for me since junior high. I'm getting much better at it and notice I eat less and make healthier choice threw out the day.

-NOOOOO chips. Unlike Brenda, chocolate is not an issue for me, but put chips in front of me, and I'll eat the whole bag.

I am feeling good today! (Yep - feeling cocky! LOL) Just like Brenda, it's been a great day.
My kids have been in VBS (Vacation Bible School) all week, so I have taken full advantage of hitting the gym everyday. 4 days in a row! WooHoo. Even though every part of my body hurts - it's a good feeling to know how hard I worked. Hopefully it shows on Monday's weigh in.

Brenda: What A Great Day!

First, I must start by saying "Happy Anniversary Troy! I love you!" Today is our 15th Anniversary! Second, sorry for not posting anything for awhile. Troy is leaving on Tuesday for the first of many 2+ weeks away. We have been busy trying to get everything done around the house and doing all the family stuff we can before he leaves.
I ran for the first time today since my last post. I got blisters on my heals from walking to Starbucks last Sunday. Luckly, last night my friend Laura told me about these great blister bandaids. So I bought some last night, slapped those babies on this morning and went for a jog. They worked great! She told me to wear them until they fall off. She meant that literally! They were starting to come off after my shower so I started to peel off what was left on my heel - not good. They take off all the skin from around the blister. So, I pushed them back on and I am good to go.
My run was great. I got my kids to come along on their bikes, which made it more fun. Then, during the run they were discussing how they were excited to start a new school this fall. This is a turn of events! My youngest has been very apprehensive about starting a new school, so I was happy to hear her talk about how she is now excited.
On Monday I started off with 3 goals. At the moment I am 2 1/2 for 3.
They are as follows:
Wake up at 5am and workout every morning
Eat a salad for lunch each day
Drink only water, no more ZippFizz
I HAVE worked out everyday, just not at 5am, so that is why I am only 2 1/2 for 3....
The salads are actually great and not that time consuming to make. Given the choice between my peanutbutter/chocolate protein shake and a salad, I would choose the shake, but I really think that if I want to win the next weigh in (Monday) I need to stick with salads for awhile.
Speaking of the "Challeng" my sister-in-law Monica is going to start posting to this blog. She is getting a little cocky lately, so we'll have to see what she has to say!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Yeah Me!

I hate it when London on the Suite Life with Zach & Cody Disney show says that! But, I'll use it anyway because I just had the best run since I started running 3 weeks ago. I ran for 14 minutes without stopping!! Yeah me! Ok, I'll stop with that. When I first started back running I could only go 3 minutes without stopping, and by the end of the run it was more like 2 minutes without stopping. The last time I ran (a week ago) I got to 5 minutes without stopping and more running than walking during the entire run. Now, I just got back and I ran 27:45 and my first stop was at 14:21. Then I stopped at the two hills on my run and walked those because my calves were already on fire - no need to turn a good run into a bad run. After the market closes I will do some chest lifts and take a much needed shower!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Determination, Determination, Where art thou Determination?

My whole lack of determination is really baffling me. I am a strong-willed person! When I set a goal, I achieve it. No matter who I have to bulldoze over to get to my goal. Ok, I'm not THAT bad...but really, when I set my mind to something, I get it. So what is the problem? I WANT to get back into my cute size 8 jeans and all the other cute clothes that I haven't been able to wear for a year. I WANT to look like I'm NOT pregnant!!! I WANT my knees to stop hurting. But for some reason the intellectual part of my brain does not seem to be over riding the eating and working out part of my brain. I am hoping journaling all this down will help. I guess we will have to wait and see. In the mean time, I will keep praying for determination and maybe it will come up and hit me upside the head when I am least expecting it!

I did get my act a little together today, well so far, as it is only 4pm - still plenty of time to screw things up! I did work out this afternoon! Half hour of cardio. I also started to lift some weights again. I was putting off the weight lifting because I thought I would be going to SC with the DH and didn't want to start and then stop. But.....since he is now going a month later than we had originally thought, and the kids have camp August 3rd, I don't get to go now. So, I did some bicep, triceps, and shoulder lifting. I think I will do chest tomorrow. I am worried that lifting weights is going to make me weigh more and Monica is going to win the weigh in on the 19th, but I know in the long run it will be in my best interest. I had my oatmeal with protein powder, flaxseed and blueberries for breakfast. Carrots with humus for snack. Lunch was a 40-30-30 chocolate shake with a banana (the banana probably screws up the formulas, but hey, I like them). Afternoon snack was a bag of sliced apples and a small slice of cheese. Dinner will be fish tacos and vegetables. So far I've managed to stay away from the sugar, which makes it one day back on "the wagon"! Staying on "the wagon" seems to be where my determination fails me........

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Getting Caught Up!

My sister-in-law Monica and I have challenged each other to a weight loss challenge. These are the "rules":

  • The challenge goes from Memorial Day to Labor Day

  • We weigh in every two weeks, together, at Monica's house

  • Everything we eat must be journaled

  • We must workout at least 3 times a week

Who ever loses the least during weigh-ins has to buy the winner a pedicure/lunch/coffee or whatever small thing we choose. Whoever loses the most on Labor Day wins a 90 minute massage and the loser has to do a 1/2 marathon of the winners choice.

I was 180.5 on our starting weigh in. Ugghhh! I didn't even weigh this much after I stopped nursing my second daughter!!! It was very depressing to say the least. The next two weeks I did not try very hard. I only worked out the minimum of 3 times. I did cut down on the sugar, but didn't give it my best.

First Weigh in: I was 178. I lost 2 1/2 pounds, Monica lost 3. I had to buy her a pedicure.

The next two weeks I did really well. I worked out 5 times a week. I was careful with what I ate. I did great.......until 4th of July. My family and I went up to Whidbey Island for the weekend. We camped out at my sisters husband's family cabin. I was ok until I broke into the candy that I had bought for the kids to throw during the parade. That did me in. Once I get a good taste of sugar, I am a goner!!! I brought vita water from Costco to fix my sweet tooth, but unfortunately, they had my drug of choice in the refrigerator....Pepsi! I went from eating candy to chugging Pepsi in a matter of hours.

At 10pm on the 4th, my eldest daughter put her foot through a rusty nail while we were setting off fireworks. My husband took her to the local hospital - 35 miles away!!! My youngest daughter was upset and crying. We got her calmed down and she and I went to sleep in our tent. Needless to say, I really didn't sleep. I was waiting for a phone call from my husband letting me know what was happening. At the same time I was dreading getting a phone call from the State Patrol letting me know they were in an accident with a drunk driver. (Because of prior life experience, I always expect the worst possible outcome) My husband and daughter finally arrived back at the tent at 4am!!! We got up at 8am. The rest of the day it was a sugar frenzie just to stay awake.

Second Weigh in: Monday after the 4th of July Holiday. Monica and I were back at our starting weights!!! No prizes for us!!!

That was 2 days ago. So far I have not worked out and have not eaten healthy. I do not know what is wrong with me. I am hoping that writing this blog will help me out. I am playing soccer tonight so I can log that in for my workout. But as for the food thing....not feeling the love....