Monday, July 20, 2009

Brenda: I FINALLY won!

Finally, I won! Thank goodness! Down 3 pounds to 178. I think this is the boost I needed. I also think that eating salads for lunch was the trick. So, this week is the same goals: 1. Work out everyday (no more 5am stuff for me) 2. Eat salads for lunch 3. Drink water, no more energy drinks.
I ran today for 30 minutes. I wanted to get a chest workout in, but that didn't happen, so I will have to do it tomorrow. I will try to run again tomorrow AND the lawn needs mowed so that is going to be really two workouts for me :) Now, if I can just stay away from the chocolates tonight....

1 comment:

  1. I'm baking chocolate chip cookies for Tim's co-workers, I'm sure Monica would like it if I dropped them on your doorstep instead. ;)
